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Our History

The Church of Christ at Kemp began when the town of Kemp began in 1890. There were 70 charter members when the Kemp Church of Christ began. There was a centennial celebration in August of 1990. The book printed for this occasion has a list of the charter members and a list of all who were added to this body of believers through 1990. There are many pictures in this book of people and buildings. If you ever visit the church at Kemp you might want to look through this centennial book.

We trace our roots back to the Restoration Movement that was birthed about 100 years prior to the establishment of the Church of Christ at Kemp. The Church of Christ, Independent Christian Church and the Disciples of Christ Church all come from this movement. We strive to follow Jesus Christ as our Lord and follow his teachings in all that we do. Our goal is to practice Christianity as we read the history of the church in the book of Acts. If you would ever like to learn more about the Restoration Movement we are glad to share what we know.

Since 1990 there have been many others added to this church body. We would be delighted to have you visit us and meet our current members. Our purpose is to grow in our love for God and each other. You will find a place to be strengthened in your faith if you should ever choose to be part of this family of believers.

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